All - Access Membership
400+ videos to learn from and exclusive access to the JWL online fiddle community and virtual learning events.
Curious how it works?
This online studio has over 400+ videos and counting. Lauren will guide you through learning tunes, creating your own left-hand and right-hand variations on melodies, and how to hear and play chord progressions. Each tune includes a video to jam with, and a play-along track to download. Music theory is explained in a way that will make sense on your violin, and the videos provide insights on good technique and practice tips.
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Learning an instrument can be so challenging!
and yet, you’re still inspired to:
find your own voice within your instrument, instead of playing only what someone else told you to play.
improve your technique and musical ability, but you’re not sure which direction to turn. You need a clear path to help you reach your goals.
feel independent and confident in your listening skills, theory knowledge, and know how to use these tools to be the creative musician you know you can be.
AND most of all, you want to be prepared and solid at jam sessions and musical gatherings so that you can communicate and collaborate with fellow musicians in a fulfilling way.
Start Jamming Today!
For only $37/month you will gain access to hundreds of videos teaching you technique, theory, chord progression, new tunes, and the confidence to join in any jam session! Not to mention access to our active student community and a place to ask questions to Lauren.
Studying music is often an emotional roller coaster and I’m here to tell you that I hear you.
I hear you because I used to be there too.
It didn’t matter that I’d spent 15 years studying how to play (and teach) the violin, earning degrees and accolades, because when it came to being a creative and independent musician, I was not. I didn’t know where to begin or how to start becoming one.
But, then things changed.
I used my background in education and developed a system - one that actually works - designed to break down the building blocks of music in small manageable bits for you to construct melodic and harmonic ideas. I was able to experiment with curriculum and teaching methods with my studio members to find systems that work for beginners through professionals. Ultimately, I became the kind of independent, creative musician that I admire.
Now, I’ve compiled all of my most successful lessons and learning strategies into a step-by-step system, JamWithLauren.
Learn Salt Creek
Take a look at the 1st video in our Salt Creek lesson. Each tune includes up to 8 videos teaching the tune, walking through the variations, chords, and jam practice.
“What I like best about JamWithLauren is that there’s something for every skill level. After you’ve learned the basic tune, you can challenge yourself to master the embellishments, chords, and harmony. It’s a great confidence booster when you suddenly find yourself jamming along with the practice tracks.”
Course Curriculum
Student Perks
When you join the JamWithLauren studio, not only do you gain access to 400+ videos but you get access to our exclusive student Facebook group.
This group is a place where you can connect with other JWL students and gain access to Lauren! In the past we have hosted bi-weekly live lessons where you can ask specific questions and get direct feedback. Due to life circumstances we have paused lives lessons for the time being, however we have over 40+ live lessons available within our curriculum.
The JamWithLauren online community is active, engaged and encouraging!
If you are not on Facebook that is OK. All of our live lessons are available in our curriculum and we encourage you to reach out and ask questions.
Check out all of the bonuses that come along with your membership!
Chord Workshop
When you know every possible way to play chords on your instrument, you're setting yourself up to be a great improviser and back up player. Each chord used in the JWL curriculum is voiced in 1st position over all CGDAE strings. The chord workshop included 59 of my video tutorials. A fantastic no-nonsense and accessible way to learn and practice theory in a hands-on manner.
Groove Workshop
I'll show you how to add accents and bowing patterns to your subdivisions so you can get out of a rut and into a groove. In this workshop I'll explain 4 different shuffle patterns, the popular 1/4/7 and 1/3/6 grooves over the course of 18 video lessons.
Introduction to Cross Tuning
One of the most compelling components of Old Time Fiddling is re-tuning or 'cross-tuning' to an open chord (as opposed to the standard GDAE tuning). We'll start your cross tuning adventure by putting your instrument into Cross A, or AEAE, and learning two tunes: Breaking Up Christmas and Walk Along John to Kansas. A special feature of this bonus is that you'll also learn the iconic Tommy Jarrell bowing pattern for Breaking Up Christmas.
More bonuses…
Video Extras
Video responses to some common questions students have asked me over the years. Includes a tutorial on how I strum my fiddle while I sing and demonstrate, some basic jam etiquette you'll what to know before you sit down at your next jam circle, and the companies I endorse and help me sound my best.
32 Downloadable Play-Along Tracks
I learned SO MUCH by playing along to recordings of my mentors, and I knew it would be helpful for my students if you could work on applying what you're practicing in real life. So I grabbed two people I love playing music with and we hunkered down in a beautiful recording studio to bring these tracks to life for you. You'll find these to be helpful practice tools in lots of ways - keeping time, listening to three instruments besides yourself, trying to emulate how I'm playing either the melody, back up, or harmony, and finally letting go and making your own variations and solos.
I’ll be honest
You're not going to love JamWithLauren if you're looking for a quick way to learn 'hit' melodies. The JWL system is much much faster than trying to piece together everything from free YouTube videos, random books, and occasional workshops.
This curriculum works if YOU work. It's going to take time and patience, and consistent practice from you to achieve your goals. It's OK if you're nervous or have doubts. Once you get inside Jam With Lauren, you'll see that my lessons are designed for you to be successful.
Always Accessible.
Anywhere, any time.
Playing an instrument is rewarding and empowering! Don’t let your schedule get in the way of when you want to play. The JamWithLauren curriculum is always accessible so that you can jam anywhere at any time!
Take the step
400+ videos for fiddle musicians at any stage of your musical journey. Fine-tune technique, nail down chord progressions, learn new tunes, and gain the confidence to join in any jam session.
3 Week Guarantee
You get three weeks to test drive JamWithLauren. If you don’t love it, I’ll give you a full refund.
Not sure if JamWithLauren is right for you? Well, I'm giving you three weeks, the amount of time it takes to start building a new habit of consistent practicing, to try out my strategies. If you reach out to my team within three weeks after enrollment to let me know that you're not hearing any growth with my lessons, I'll happily give you a full refund.
I'm offering this money-back guarantee because I believe strongly in the JamWithLauren curriculum and I want you to see and hear how game-changing this course can be, risk-free.