Welcome to the JamWithLauren Blog
Many of these articles are inspired by questions from our JWL students. If you can’t find a post that digs into the issues that are plaguing you, consider signing up for lessons with Lauren. When you sign up you will gain access to her amazing curriculum and be able to ask Lauren questions. Who knows, maybe your question will inspire the next post!

Harnessing the Power of the Pinky: Left Hand Fiddle Technique
Many fiddlers grumble about using their pinkies while they play. I’ve met lots of students who always prefer to play an open string rather than nervously attempt a potentially out-of-tune pinky. But seriously, why limit your hand to three fingers when you’ve only got four (no thumbs on the fingerboard please) to begin with?
![Life Lessons Learned Through [Teaching] Music](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea09a31b06d660224dc77aa/1637083286145-QWDUTUXTE2U5MD94VVHD/Life+Lessons+Learned+Through+Teaching+Music.jpg)
Life Lessons Learned Through [Teaching] Music
We listen to music because we want to feel things; we play it because we want to feel things ourselves and because we want to make other people feel things. This means that it is crucial for musicians to feel like they can be themselves, and safely express whatever it is they have inside that reflects who they are. This is all about acceptance and making space for people. Creating music with or for other people is a common goal, but this doesn't mean that there is one way to go about it. In fact, there are endless ways.